Free Captives

… of a dream about reality Once upon a time, there was a man called Johan. He had a rich imagination and he loved reading, just like his two good friends Gerard and Hans. They were always involved in some or other discussion about philosophy or a book they were reading, so that at some …

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Didier, the Luxuriant Dude from Dudelange

Around the border between Luxembourg and France and around Luxembourg city, there’s an area where many towns and villages have names that, embarrassingly, end on ‘-ange’: Algrange, Aubange, Bereldange, Bertrande, Bertrange, Boulange, Differdange, Entrange, Escherange, Evrange, Florange, Frisange, Guenange, Havange, Hayange, Helmsange, Hesperange, Leudelange, Lommerange, Luttange, Mondercange, Nilvange, Oetrange, Ottange, Pétange, Rédange, Rumelange, Russange, Schifflange, …

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– What’s that you’re reading?– Oh, it’s a detective story …: “Detective Desmond Dongle & The Secret of the Seven Safes”.– Any good?– Hmmm … that depends on what you mean by “good” …– Why, I mean, is it a good story?– In a sense, maybe … I could maybe call it “good” ….– Ah.– …

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Kifffarces (5): Kiff in Amsterdam (en)

The day after a successful gig in Amsterdam, the lads from the Creepsterrock-formation Kiff had a day off. They decided to spend it in the Dutch capital because, as everyone knows, Amsterdam offers a fine selection of exciting and mischievous experiences that aren’t truly illegal, but still have a high potential for developing into awkward …

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Of Cats and Tails

As many of you have observed, the housecat tail seems so have a life of its own. Even if the rest of the cat shows no discernible activity, the tail can be very busy: wriggling like an earthworm with nausea, darting along like a honeybee or swishing left and right like a Mercedes-Benz windshield wiper. …

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Adult stuff

Wasn’t “adult” supposed to refer to a person who is “grown-up” and “mature” and “well-balanced” and all that? Then why does that word practically always refer to: forms of dizzyingly stupid entertainment wherein retarded and/or abused individuals engage in biological activities; activities that are considered unsafe or barely legal, that appeal to the lower instincts …

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Abasuu – (n.) the grim, tight-lipped resoluteness with which a Ninja decides that the rest of his life is going to be determined by revenge “Yobakoto-san took a formal bow to honour the spirit of the deceased. When he turned around the light of abasuu shone in his eyes – and all that looked upon …

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Gotham City, 10.30 PM …

It was 10.30 PM in Gotham City and all was quiet. Batman was reading the Gotham Inquirer in the Batroom, while Batilda, his wife, was knitting up black leather socks in the chair across him. ‘Bruce…?’ Batilda asked on a tone that was a little dark around the edges, as a cloud on a sultry …

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